Pull & Bear Competition

Would you like to enter the #pullandbearhouse?

We’re opening out home to many of the friends we’ve made over 25 years.

In a few days, the doors of our new home in Narón, Spain, will be wide open to welcome many of the friends we’ve made over the last 25 years.

It will be a cool event featuring live music, fun, prizes and a very special host – and you can be part of it!

If you want to win tickets and Pull&Bear looks for two…
1. Like the instagram post.
2. Insert a comment and tag 3 friends.
3. One lucky winner will be chosen randomly. Remember that you and your friends should be followers of @pullandbear. You can join until Thursday 8th Sep at 3PM GMT+1.

See pullandbear.com for participating countries and full Terms & Conditions.

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